4200 Gallon Elliptical Leg Tank Released


New Product Release FSFM4200-92

Visit the Free Standing Horizontal Tank page



Tank is a freestanding elliptical tank with legs for indoor or outdoor, stationary or transportable applications.

Five hoop recesses are provided around the tank to facilitate anchoring.

Gallon indicators are included on one side and end of the tank.

The tank features a sump on each end for fitting location. Poly baffles are included for fluid control. FM style tanks feature a choice of center or end drain bottom sumps.

Tank is designed for the containment of all chemicals rated for contact with polyethylene.

Tank must be installed with 5 hoops securely anchored to the tank base or stand.

Standard weight tank is designed for chemicals with a specific gravity of 1.7. FDA compliant materials are available.

Tank is manufactured from rotationally  molded polyethylene with U.V. stabilizers.

Standard color is black.

Furnished with a 16″ vented lid assembly as standard equipment.

Furnished with a 3″ FPT heavy-duty polypropylene fitting with Santoprene gasket and siphon tube as standard equipment.


Dimensions: 92″ wide x 194.5″ long x 80″ tall.

Weight of tank and baffles is 1,648 lbs.

Weight of hoop kit option is 186 lbs.

Skid option SKO/SKCO/SKEO weight is 1,454 lbs.